Romania and Poland During the ’80s Crisis: Aspects of Romanian-Polish Economic Cooperation Between 1985 and 1987

Romania and Poland During the ’80s Crisis

Aspects of Romanian-Polish Economic Cooperation Between 1985 and 1987




Jaruzelski, Ceaușescu, crisis, economy, cooperation, bilateral, communism


In the first half of the 1980s, the Western sanctions against Poland led both to an increase in Romanian-Polish trade, and to closer political relations. With Gorbaciov’s reforms and Poland opening up to the West in the second half of the 1980s, the relations which had improved between 1982 and 1984 suffered a setback. The present paper starts from the premise that the development of Romanian-Polish economic relations during the 1980s was influenced by the crisis which both countries were facing, as well as by changing international conditions. One aim of the paper is to present the domestic situation in the two countries in 1985, in order to understand the context which fostered bilateral economic cooperation. The second aim is to analyse the development of relations between Romania and Poland after Gorbachev’s coming to power and the implementation of his reforms. Here we shall mainly focus our attention on the regular summit meetings between the two leaders.

Finally, we shall assess the impact of these reforms and the way in which they affected the Romanian-Polish cooperation. In undertaking this investigation, we shall, first of all, use the transcripts of the meeting between Ceaușescu and Jaruzelski, found in the National Archives, Foreign Relations Section, as well as the diplomatic correspondence of the Romanian embassy in Warsaw. The press of the time, in particular Scanteia – the official newspaper of the Romanian Communist Party [RCP], provides a general framework for understanding how the relations with Poland were represented by the communist regime.

Author Biography

Daniel Filip-Afloarei, The Institute for the Investigation of Communist Crimes and the Memory of the Romanian Exile, Romania

Researcher at the Institute for the Investigation of the Crimes of Communism and the Memory of the Romanian Exile [IICCMER] and a graduate of the Doctoral School of the Faculty of History in Iasi, “Alexandru Ioan Cuza” University, with a thesis about Romania and the crisis of the communist regime in Poland – 1980–1989. He was an IICCMER fellow (October 2020 – March 2021) and received two Erasmus scholarships in Poland, at “Adam Mickiewicz” University in Poznań (2016–2017) and Cardinal “Stefan Wyszyński” University in Warsaw (2018–2019). Areas of interest: the history of international relations and diplomacy, the history of the Cold War, the history of Romanian-Polish relations during communism, Global South and human rights.

Main publications: “Reacția conducerii Partidului Comunist Român în fața prefacerilor poloneze din anul 1989” [“The reaction of the leadership of the Romanian Communist Party to the Polish transformations of 1989”], în România de la Comunism la Postcomunism: criză, transformare, democratizare. Anuarul Institutului de Investigare a Crimelor Comunismului și Memoria Exilului Românesc, Ștefan Bosomitu, Dalia Bathory, Cosmin Budeancă (coord.), Ed. Polirom, Iași, an 2019/2020, vol. XIV–XV, pp. 399–419; “Romanian-Polish relations in the 80s. Between co-operation and disagreement”, in Adrian Vițalaru, Ionuț Nistor, Bogdan Ceobanu 7 (eds.), Romanian Diplomacy in the 20th Century. Biographies, Institutional Pathways, International Challenges, Berlin, Bern, Bruxelles, New York, Oxford, Warszawa, Wien, Peter Lang, 2021, pp. 409–431; “The relations between the Romanian Communist Party and the Polish United Workers’ Party in the first half of the ’80s (1980– 1985)” în Tomasz Kozłowski, Michał Siedziako (eds.), Kryzys w partii – partia w kryzysie. Ostatnia dekada PZPR, Ed. IPn, Warszawa, 2023, pp. 317–342, ISBn 978–83–8229–648–8.

